About OpenCorporates

OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies in the world. Founded 10 years ago, it is a public benefit company. Leading journalistic organisations and anti-corruption NGOs rely on our data, as well as financial institutions, tech companies and government agencies. OpenCorporates has a unique governance model, overseen by the OpenCorporates trust – which ensures it will always be independent.


Black Box company data is holding back the fight against financial crime.

In a world where technology, transparency and inter-connected datasets are increasingly essential to uncover illicit activity involving companies – Black Box data is no longer fit for purpose.

That's why a revolution is underway: replacing opaque, ill-defined and poor quality data with transparent data you can trust to scale your anti-financial crime solutions. 

Watch the webinar to hear about how transparent company data can power your anti-financial crime efforts – whether you're automating due diligence processes or joining the dots in cross-border investigations

Fighting Financial Crime:
The Transparent Data Revolution

Watch Webinar >

Rebecca Lee

Chief Impact Officer

Aaron Narva

SVP & Head of Corporate Markets

Watch Webinar Now

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“OpenCorporates is almost always the first stop when you are doing research on a company

That's for anything from a check quick into a company's existence all the way to a deep dive asset search.” 

Aaron Narva
SVP & Head of Corporate Markets | Exiger


Challenge today

Why Black Box data holds us all back

Transparent company data

Why your anti-financial crime efforts need provenance and data quality feedback loops

Case study

How Exiger's DDIQ automates due diligence with OpenCorporates' data
